Air Ion Counter Model AIC2
AIC2 is discontinued, new version available! Click Here for AIC3Pro
The Air Ion Counter Model AIC2 is a Gerdien condenser meter that measures the number of positive negative ions in air, with USB datalogging.

Battery Impedance Meter BIM
The Battery Impedance Meter is designed to read both the conductance (range 10-19,999 siemens) and resistance (0.050 – 19.999 milliohms) of large batteries from 1.2 to 60 volts. (These measurements determine whether the battery needs replacement.)

Air Ion Counter
This Product is sold out! New Model Available. Click Here for AIC3Pro
The Air Ion Counter is a Gerdien Tube (Gerdien Condenser) meter that measures the number of positive and negative ion in air

MicroAlert™ 2
Manufactured in the USA by AlphaLab, Inc.
The MicroAlert 2™ is a receiver that beeps when it detects emission from smart meters, cell phones and towers, microwave ovens, wireless devices, automatic door openers, etc. Designed with very low power consumption, it can stay on continuously for years using a single replaceable battery. The sources of radio emissions can be unexpected and surprising. By placing the MicroAlert 2™ in your pocket, these sources are reveled, along with their strength (in microwatts/square cm).

AC Electric Field Meter Model ACEF
This meter measures AC electric field in the vertical direction (same direction as the long axis of the meter). It has a wide frequency range (40 Hz – 20 KHz) and high accuracy (+/-2% of reading +/- 1 count) with … Read More

DC Magnetometer (Gauss) High Stability
The High-Stability DC Magnetometer measures DC and AC field up to 199.99 gauss with 0.01 gauss resolution The High-Stability DC magnetometer reads both DC and AC magnetic field (1-axis) from .01 to 199.99 gauss. Accuracy is +/- 2% of the reading … Read More

High Resistance / Low Conductance Meter HRLC
There is always a problem with ultra high resistance measurements: only a very small amount of current is flowing through the component that is being tested. Therefore certain precautions must be taken to prevent interference from external sources. A grounded … Read More

High Resistance Meter HR2
The Model HR2 meter measures resistance in nine ranges from 1 ohm to 1.9999 Tera ohms (1.9999×1012ohms), and conductance in a single range of 0.00 to 199.99 pS (pico siemens, or pico mhos), all at low voltage of < 2 volts … Read More

RF Field Strength Meter Model RFM1
Technically a “power density” meter, the RF Field Strength Meter detects the electric field of radio and microwaves (RF) from .5 MHz to 3 GHz, and expresses the field strength as power density (.001 to 2000 microwatts/cm2). This is an … Read More

Voltage Touch Monitor VTM
The AlphaLab Voltage Touch Monitor enables personnel to identify voltage problems that usually remain hidden.